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Know Before You Go: Wisdom Teeth

Posted on 4/11/2022 by Barbara Ketchum
Know Before You Go: Wisdom TeethYou're bound to hear at least a few horror stories about wisdom tooth removal in a room full of adults. Many people recall the swelling, bleeding, and agony, associated with wisdom tooth removal recovery. Even the unlimited ice cream isn't enough to make the pain go away. Wisdom teeth extraction is a common procedure. Every year, approximately ten million wisdom teeth are extracted in the United States. Regardless, many of us know very little about them.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Your mouth contains four wisdom teeth, which are in the back corners of your mouth. Wisdom teeth usually appear between the ages of 17 and 24. Most anthropologists believe that wisdom teeth were necessary for our caveman ancestors because they ate raw roots, leaves, meat, and nuts. We've evolved since then to cook our food and use utensils that otherwise cut, crush, and smash it. As a result, wisdom teeth are no longer required in modern humans.

Do They Need To Be Removed?

Our jawlines have evolved in tandem with our modern diets. Wisdom teeth, on the other hand, never followed suit. Despite the fact that their mandibles have shrunk, most people still develop wisdom teeth. Because of this, many people need relief from the pain associated with wisdom teeth. For some people, the eruption of wisdom teeth causes no pain or other issues because their teeth erupt fully and without difficulty. In other cases, wisdom teeth cannot grow normally or at all. A wisdom tooth that is impacted forms in the mouth but does not break through the gums. Wisdom teeth that only partially emerge are referred to as partially impacted wisdom teeth. Both cases are distinguished by an angle in the tooth's growth as a result of insufficient mouth space. It can lead to a variety of issues, including wisdom tooth pain, trapped food, tooth damage, cyst formation, and bacterial growth. When an impacted wisdom tooth causes pain or damage, the tooth should usually be extracted. Wisdom teeth can only be extracted by a dentist, so it is critical that you schedule regular dental exams.
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