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How to Keep Your Mouth Healthy When You Get Sick

Posted on 6/15/2019 by Barbara Ketchum
How to Keep Your Mouth Healthy When You Get SickIf you are a human being who is currently walking on the planet, we bet you have been sick at least once this year. Ninety-five percent of people walking around the planet have been ill at some point this year.

In other words, you are going to be sick- if you aren't sick already right now, reading this from the comfort of your bed. Just because your body is sick, doesn't mean your mouth has to be sick as well. We have some information on how to make sure you have a healthy mouth, even when you are sick as a dog.

Keeping Your Mouth Healthy

One way to keep your mouth healthy is by first making sure you are brushing and flossing twice a day for two minutes a day. If you are feeling nauseated, you may want to use very little or no toothpaste at all. This will insure that you are keeping the plaque off your teeth, as well as any food particles that you may have eaten. Second, be sure that you are drinking plenty of liquid.

While you are fighting a virus or bacteria, your body needs more liquid than ever to fight the infection. Also, illness may make your mouth drier, which actually encourages the growth of bacteria. If you drink plenty of fluids, your mouth will produce saliva, which helps to wash away bacteria and food particles.

Once you are on the mend, toss out your toothbrush and get a new one. If you have been brushing on the regular, the bacteria that made you sick in the first place will most likely still be on your toothbrush. If you get a new toothbrush, the bacteria will not re-populate your mouth. You may also want to think about gargling with salt water, because salt water acts as an antiseptic and helps to keep your teeth, mouth and throat clean.

Finally, if you do have a cold, and you are taking medication for it, you need to have a look at the contents of your cough syrup or decongestant. Many medicines have sugar added, which neither you nor your teeth need.

If you want more tips on how to keep your mouth healthy, why not give us a call? We love to make sure you and your mouth are at your healthy best.
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