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How to Spare Your Veneers from Damage So They Last

Posted on 8/15/2018 by Barbara Ketchum
How to Spare Your Veneers from Damage So They LastVeneers are a wonderful restorative treatment for chips, stains, and crooked teeth.

They are a major investment, so once you have your veers put into place, you'll want to take care of them. By following some important steps, you can ensure that your veneers last for as long as possible.

Choose Your Toothpaste Wisely

Certain toothpaste brands contain abrasives that are just too harsh for your veneers. To avoid this problem, look for ingredients like baking soda, sodium bicarbonate, and hydrogen peroxide in the ingredient list. These additives will wear away at the surface of the veneers and should be avoided whenever possible.

Avoid Biting onto Hard Items

Don't chew once ice, pencils, or your nails once you have your veneers put into place. While veneers are strong, they are not equipped to withstand this type of force. They may break, crack, or chip. Tough foods like nuts and even steak are fine, but try and keep non-food items out of your mouth.

Treat Your Bruxism

If you grind and clench your teeth at night, you'll want to wear a night guard. This will prevent the teeth from touching and doing damage while you sleep. You should also notice improvements in headaches if you are a chronic grinder.

Drink in Moderation

Drinking too much can actually negatively affect your veneers. Too much alcohol will soften the materials that bond the veneers to the teeth. This will make the bonding line more prone to stains, deterioration, and other damage.

Visiting your dentist regularly is also an important step in veneer maintenance. We can remove plaque and tartar from your teeth before it has a chance to do any real damage to your veneers. Call us today to set up your next appointment and to discuss the best maintenance plan for your veneers.
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