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Dry Mouth is Very Dangerous for Your Oral Health

Posted on 5/13/2018 by Barbara Ketchum
Dry Mouth Oak Park Dental OR 97305-2054Having dry mouth is not only uncomfortable, but it can be dangerous to your oral health.

Lack of saliva will prevent the mouth from getting rid of harmful bacteria and increase the chances that you will suffer from other serious oral conditions such as gum disease, bad breath, and gingivitis.

Why Does Dry Mouth Happen?

There are several reasons why dry mouth happens. Certain medications have dry mouth as a side effect, in this case, you can talk to your physician and maybe they can change the dose, but you should ask them why you are suffering from dry mouth if the reason is not obvious.

You can also suffer from an underlying ailment that results in the uncomfortable dryness of your mouth. In any case, your doctor should be notified so he can get to the root of the matter.

What Can I Do to Relieve Dry Mouth?

Thankfully, there are some options if you suffer from dry mouth that can improve your oral health. Staying hydrated during the day is extremely important, you can also chew on sugarless gum to stimulate the production of saliva, reduce caffeine intake, which causes dehydration, or ask your dentist about specific mouthwashes for dry mouth.

When you suffer from dry mouth, not only the inside of your mouth is affected, but you can have problems with extremely dry lips that become cracked. You can also get sores in the corner of your mouth and have a permanent dry throat, which will make it difficult if you have to speak in front of people for work.

Bad breath is another unseemly effect of having a dry mouth. Again, it's because of the lack of saliva that helps get rid of bacteria. If you suffer from dry mouth talk to our dentist.
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